Friday, 24 May 2019

On the 23 of May 2019
We went to the kiwi creche.When we were at the area where kiwi creche is we were sorted into groups and then we walked over into the kiwi creche where later we were told a little bit about the traps and were they were placed for the stoats,rats and weasels because they are the main threats to kiwis.How they would locate the kiwis is they would have an areal and find a sound and then when there is a sound that would be where the kiwi would be.Then each group would go do an activity and then we would swap to the next one.Our first activity we were told a lot about the traps and what they would use for bait to catch the predators by Paul.Each group has 20 mins each session and then we swap.Our next activity involved us looking at the kiwi but to do that we had to walk to it we also need to be quiet when we get there otherwise the kiwi will get startled.At the end we planted a plant but I'm not sure what it was.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Learning about coordinates and maps

These past few days we have been learning to use maps and we have been doing coordinates and directions.We have been writing on worksheets that helped us write our own.Then we got a sheet that we had to draw directions through and around the school.Then when we were done our map our teacher took our map and then picked the best one to use for a treasure hunt.After she picked the map we all had to use it to find the treasure.We used the directions on the map to find it.My favourite activity was the treasure hunt.