Monday, 20 April 2020

Parabolic curve art

This is my Parabolic curve art for maths.


  1. Great work here Johnathan. It's great to see the three different ways you have completed this maths task. Would you be able to briefly share how you create a Parabolic curve?
    Mrs Devlin

  2. Hi Johnathon,I'm Heidi from St Patrick's school.
    This looks really cool.I like how you did more than one design.
    I have done this before but nothing in detail like this.When I did it I did one like the last picture on your post.
    Great job!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Jonathan, my name is Robbie,I Go to St Patrick's in Greymouth. I really like this it look's fun and I would like to try this sometime.

  5. Hey Jonathan, my name is Ethan, I go to St Patrick's. I really like this I'm going to try make something like your art.

  6. Hi Jonathan, I admire your technical art work. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Jonathan! I really like your art work! It is very cool. I wish I could draw like that.


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